a cute kitten

Adhesives & Sealants Summit

Theme: Enhancing Possibilities for a Sustainable Future

29th & 30th June 2023, at Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai, India

DAY 1 : 29th June 2023
Session I Building A Greener Future
Session II Making Electronics Safer & Durable
DAY 2 : 30th June 2023
Session III E-Mobility And Automotive & Transportation Sector
Session IV Adhesive And Sealants For Construction & Infrastructure

Conference Delegate Fee / person *
CII Member / Sponsor / Exhibitor Non-Members Academic / Institution
INR 4500/- INR 5000/- INR 4000/-
* Extra 18% GST        * 10% discount for more than 3 registrations from same organization
Delegate Fee Includes
• Delegate KIT • 2 days Lunch (29 & 30 June) • Invite for Networking Dinner on 29th June at CTC

  • Delegate fee is non-refundable but change in nomination is accepted
  • Prior Payment is mandatory to confirm the registration.